Friday, February 3, 2012

Politics: US Officials Fear Iran Providing Aid to Al Qaeda

I'm sure we've all heard of Al Qaeda and their crazy antics. So this is an issue we should give some attention to.

U.S. officials believe that Iran recently gave new freedoms to as many as five top Al Qaeda operatives who were under house arrest and forbidden to leave the country. They also believe that they have provided some material to aid the terrorist group as well. These men who were detained in 2003 make up Al Qaeda's alleged management council, which include members that advised Usama bin Laden and an explosives expert considered for a top post in the organization.

On Thursday a U.S senate committee moved to force Iran into negotiations on its nuclear program. This week, according to diplomats, Iran prevented UN nuclear inspectors from gaining access to sites and scientist.

What this is going to mean exactly I couldn't tell you but the situation will definitely be promoting tension between the U.S. and Iranian governments. If it's happening in the government it will directly affect you in some aspect. Stay aware and stay informed. Click the pic for the full article from

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